
Born in 1964 in Berlin – Kreuzberg, I dealt first with the photography as a travel documentation. Later some education stations followed (among other things in the „Werkstatt für Fotografie – Berlin" with Enzo Enzel, Herrmann Stamm and Michael Schmidt) as well as assistances (Ingo Taubhorn, Wolfgang Zurborn) and found in 1993 her end with a practical training at the "Kölner Stadtanzeiger" newspaper. Since then I live and works as a free photographer in Berlin.


In 2007 I became the obs-award from news-aktuell for the PR – photo of the year.

Since 2009 also as a free lecturer in photograph at different enterprises and schools active.

In 2010 single exhibition in the „Werstatt der Kulturen“

In 2012 single exhibition in the "Kulturhaus Köpenick".

In 2014 exhibition participation in Edinburgh on the subject "World religions"


Thomas Ernst


wenn´s brennt:

+49 172 311 64 70


wenn´s noch Zeit hat:


wenn Wachssiegel, dann:

Bielefelder Straße 21,

10709 Berlin


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© Thomas Ernst Fotografie für Presse,PR und Werbung